This is the tenth installment of the unique Lunar Year series of the… issued by Fiji. Consistently, every year, more numismats related to the Chinese horoscope have hit the market. Learn about the symbolism and key features of the coin, which is definitely worth investing in.
Coin in the year of the buffalo
According to Chinese beliefs, people born under the sign of the buffalo have a strong personality and a pragmatic approach to life. This is associated with self-reliance, honesty and inspiring confidence in others.
In the year of the buffalo, 2021, Fiji issued exactly 8888 pieces. The coin is decorated with a freshwater pearl, placed in the center of the reverse, on a gilded image of a buffalo. The mirrored stamp and careful decoration make the numismatic exceptionally noble and well in line with the ideas of Far Eastern design.
The design and execution of the obverse is also worth appreciating, as it is not always a particularly interesting side of a coin. In this variant, however, both testify to the great craftsmanship of the engravers.
Special features of the coin:
- The beauty of the blue pearl
- Celebrating the Chinese year of the buffalo
- 1 of 8888 copies in the world
- Rich symbolism in the design
- Excellent workmanship in the details